Make: Honda
Model: SwedeTech CR125 Stock Moto engine package
Description: Complete SwedeTech Honda CR125 stock
moto engine package. 2001 cylinder, SwedeTech exhaust flange, reeds,
stator cover, case saver, coil mount, EZ clip, silencer, motor mount
and GFS fuel system. Keihin PWM carburetor, K&N air filter, SKUSA
SK1 pipe, Courtney Concepts J-Lever. 23 hours total use on bottom
end, fresh top end.
Price: $3,000.00 plus shipping
Contact: Mike Beeny
phone 801-633-2262 or email mikebeeny138@gmail.com |
Year: 2013
Make: Rotax
Model: FR125 Senior
Engine: Rotax Max Senior
Description: 2013 Rotax Max senior complete engine
package. Includes: Engine, carburetor, wiring harness, radiator,
airbox, exhaust pipe, CDI, battery, battery box, OTK magnesium motor
mount, etc. Engine has valid U.S. passport. 10 hours on bottom end,
6 hours on top end. Engine has been Dyno-tuned by Msquared.
Price: $1,800.00 plus shipping
Contact: Lincoln Steel
phone 435-841-5418 or email lincolnsteel19@gmail.com |
Make: Honda
Model: CR125
Engine: Modified Honda CR125
Description: Honda CR125 engine package. 2B 8.3cc mods by Banke
Racing. Includes: Engine, bored/polished/blueprinted Keihin PWM with pump around
carburetor setup, AMC engine mount, Vforce reeds, Banke billet aluminum straight
intake manifold, S&B air filter, Speed Concepts programmable ignition box,
BRLV C5 pipe, RLV 8" titanium silencer, J-lever, 17t countershaft gear.
Click image for more photos.
Price: $2,500.00 plus shipping
Contact: Mike Beeny
mike@msquaredkarting.com or
801-633-2262 |